Friday, April 10, 2015

Semester project proposal

    Throughout the semester we learned about how underrated and under appreciated women artist were/ still are. Another topic we discussed was how African American women artist are rarely talked about, and I think it is great that we focused on that and pointed out its importance, however, as a hispanic women, I would have loved to learn a lot more about hispanic women artist. Clearly, one semester is not enough time to discuss all of the important woman artist and give them the proper recognition that they rightly deserve, which is why I want to take advantage of of this semester project to talk about a couple of hispanic women artist that we did not talk about in class.
    As a side piece, I also want to talk about the male gaze because it was my favorite topic throughout the semester.  After discussing the women artist, I am going to connect the male gaze with some of the paintings done by hispanic women and pictures used in magazines or advertisements in hispanic countries in order to show that the male gaze is not a term just known by American, I want to show that it is known worldwide ( South America).  Also art is not just about paintings, I consider art to also be music, so I will include some music videos done by hispanic music artist in order to show how women are used as objects in these music videos.
    This project will be done on a tumblr blog, I believe that this is a very popular cite, which will make it easier to promote my blog and have other people easily view it.


  1. What would be interesting to discuss is the notion of machismo in the hispanic society and how it has set women back.
    Heres so more information about it:

  2. Awesome! I recently read an article in which they stated that women living in the South American countries are most subjected to street harassment, a form of the male gaze. I think it would be a great idea for you to pursue and discuss how the art may relate to this concept. Here is a helpful link

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  4. This is an important and personal topic. This will strengthen your project. I want you to make sure that as you work on the pieces to include in your tumblr site that you do lots of research and spend time informing your selections. Be sure that these are thoughtful and constructive and show positive as well as problematic images of women. Concentrate on the work of women artists especially and this focus will keep you from diverting too far into media criticism. Of course we saw the work of Ana Mendieta, Friday Kahlo and Doris Salcedo and there are many many other artists in your text and many more that you can find with minimal research to explore for your tumblr.

  5. Here is a great article about young contemporary Latina artists.
