Thursday, April 9, 2015

Semester Project

The media is a huge factor in brainwashing this generation into becoming someone society wants them to be, even if it means to sacrifice themselves for the likes of others. With that said, I will explore different media outlets (tv, social media, etc.) and create a video of my findings. In class, I will be presenting the video to further explain the purpose and meaning of my project. I know this is something that every woman can relate to.

As a young woman in this generation, I have personally felt (I'm sure many other young women as well) the pressure to be the ideal woman. Expectations of the "ideal woman" is something that every woman is aware of, and to a certain degree try to attain that perfection. The purpose of this project is to remind others that the influence we receive is just an expectation to satisfy others.


  1. Hey Leah. I totally agree with you that being a woman comes with a lot of pressure to be a certain way. We grow up learning from our families, teachers, and the media depicting images of what we should follow as we grow up. However, women should not have that pressure to do something for someone else, they should do what satisfies them. I think you are on the right track.

  2. This is a great topic and I feel like you can find a lot on society's expectations on the "ideal woman" and I cannot say why I understand the pressure women go through trying to live up to these expectations but I am sure it is a lot tough then trying to become the "ideal man' I found an article on the ideal woman here the link and I hope it helps :

  3. I think this is an incredible topic to discuss and I'm looking forward to seeing it in class. Here are some links I think that may be beneficial:

    Womens Ideal Body Throughout History:

    How Much The 'Perfect Body' Has Changed In 100 Years:

    Top 10: Hottest Historical Women:
